Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Truth Tuesday - This one speaks to me in a big way

Wow, I haven't seen a meme on Facebook that spoke so to my heart like this one has in a long time. THIS explains how I feel about the past year of my life perfectly. I feel like I have (along with my hubby) worked really hard to evaluate who I am and more importantly who I want to be in the future. 

I have worked very hard over the past year (or maybe two) to really look hard at who I am, what I bring to my relationships with people, and to the world around me. I have some pretty serious faults about me and things that I don't love, but also find hard to change too. I can be incredibly selfish at times, but also extremely giving too. It's about figuring out a balance that works for me to live the most positive life that I can, by both giving what I can without resentment and taking what I need without feeling guilt. 

I know I still have a long way to go to being the great human that I remind my kids every day that we all should be. I want to be the example of that human and I want them to be proud of who I am and who I was for them throughout their lives. I want to be a positive role model for a happy and healthy attitude and lifestyle.

I may have a long way still to go, but for now and today I'm celebrating how far I've come in my journey to being a better person than I was before. I am never going to stop working at being better. It's a new way of life for me and a focus that I plan to keep in the forefront of my mind through all of the ups and downs that come my way in life. It isn't always easy, but I am committed to staying focused, one day at a time!