Monday, March 22, 2021

My new love of hiking the trails!

On Saturday we did something we've rarely done as a family on a weekend afternoon....we got out for a good long hike through some beautiful nature trails right in the heart of town! We did the Millenium trails near the Complex and walked for almost an hour and a half (poor KJ girl was DONE by the end of it, but such a trooper till near the very end). We definitely want to get out and explore more of the local trails so if anyone wants to get out with us, let us know cause we'd love to see some areas we haven't been to yet! We aren't the fastest hikers but we do love being outdoors and exploring! 

We were thrilled that Uncle Bill and Gunther joined us too! 

Cute little table set on the trail

Our little girlie loving playing with James's rifle stick that has been well loved since it was made last year by a special guy during a camping trip! 

Getting tired so she sucked the biggest brother into carrying her! He actually carried her for quick a long way before finally getting tired! 

Finally sitting down with Mom's gloves on her cold hands and her funny little glasses too.

A few minutes later and she had wound down and was exhausted! Poor girlie fell about 10 minutes into the hike and skinned her knee too, but was a beast and just kept on going!