Today was just a beast of a day. It was long and heavy and full of hard things. Locked out of the strata's email, fence blown down from the storm, lots of driving, year end work at VIU, strata meeting prep...and all on not a great nights sleep! Not to mention Dr Henry's news conference today with more strict Covid restrictions coming our way. :(
The day started early with the kids first day at daycare/spring break camp so we were out the door earlier than we are on school days, then work, then to pick up the boys, do some strata work, pick up KJ, more strata work, chat with my sister, make and feed kids dinner, virtual strata meeting...just another long and crazy day for me! Plus Jim only got home at 6 and had to turn around and leave again at 9 (don't ask, messy shift schedule this week on Texada).
My meeting ended at 8 and KJ was sound asleep when I went up to check on her. As tired and hungry as I was and really wanted to just sit on the couch and visit with Jim for a few minutes, instead I decided I really needed to get in a quick walk and feel the cold air on my face for even just a few minutes. James asked if he could come with us but he had to stay home with the other kids and even when he suggested he come and Jim stay home, his dad replied with "no way buddy, I haven't seen Mom all day and I want to spend a few minutes with her before I have to leave again" It was a super sweet and touching moment and I was so happy to get bundled up and do our little 15 minute loop around the neighbourhood.
That 15 minutes was the perfect ending to a stressful and hard day. I am going to bed with a huge smile on my face knowing how much I am loved and how much I love him, and once again really proud of how far we've come. We are putting in the work and we are seeing the benefits of that hard work every day. We are making the effort to connect and spend quality time together and it is making all the difference in the world for us and our family.