Sunday, January 27, 2013

What memories are made of

Even though I am absolutely exhausted this morning from staying up too late and being awoken at 5:30 am by my adorably annoying son, I am enjoying the quiet time together this morning.

After breakfast we were scratching some scratchie tickets I got for my birthday and all of a sudden an old favorite song came on the TV and I asked him if he would dance with me. It was the song I danced with my Dad to at my wedding, I Loved Her First by Heartland. He happily said yes and we turned up the music, I picked him up (which is hard these days with his size and my growing belly) and we started our slow spinning around the living room. When I stopped spinning he giggled at me and said "keep turning around Mommy." Okay James, but only because I love you so much.

It may have only lasted a mere minute before he wanted down and said "I no dance with you Mommy" but for that moment he was once again my little one and he was happy to be in my arms spinning around the living room, on a quiet Sunday morning.

I love my little man and can't believe in just a few months he won't be my little one anymore, but my BIG one!

Happy Sunday everyone.