Today I turned 32 and although I am starting to feel older, which I totally attribute to being pregnant and very tired all the time, I can still say I am enjoying where I am in life. I am happy with who I am as a person, a mother and a wife, I do know there are still things about me that I would like to see changes with. I can still be a brat sometimes when I don't get my own way and I am still bossy and like to nag at my husband, but on the flip side to that I know I am more thoughtful of others needs and wants now and always put my child's happiness above my own. I'm glad I waited to have kids until I knew I was ready to at least do that. Giving up sleep was not something I think I was really ready for, but most days it's something I deal with with a smile on my face, a few good cups of tea and lots of hugs and kisses.
Today was a great day spent with my favorite people. Highlights were:
First I got to sleep in while Jim took James out of the house completely as I can never REALLY sleep once he's up for the day.
Jim and James came home with a handmade card from James and a wonderful gift certificate for a massage.
Talked on the phone to both of my brothers, step-mom in Kamloops, bestie in Edmonton, and bio dad in Mexico.
Had my favorite McDonalds breakfast shared at the counter instead of the table because that's where little man wanted to eat.
Enjoyed some wonderful quiet me time while the boys went grocery shopping.
Had a great tea and brownie visit with my friend here in town (in my comfiest hang out at home clothes).
Had some quiet time playing crib with my hubby...and James when he woke up from nap in mid-game.
Went to my sisters house for homemade pita pizza dinner and yummy cupcakes made by hubby.
Played a super fun game of Toopy & Binoo bingo with James and the fabulous Bumma.
Left James at Auntie Ra's for a sleepover so I can sleep in tomorrow morning!
Moved all our stuff home and made the beds so we can go home tomorrow night and climb into clean sheets (my favorite part of every Sunday night!)
Came back to Mom & Dad's and waited for my Mama to call saying they had landed in Vancouver!
Now I sit here and write this blog, feeling extremely grateful for a quiet, relaxing and happy day in my world. Not a day filled with activities and on the go visiting, but just the perfect amount of me time, friend and family time and feeling very loved. Thank you everyone who has been reading the blog and hope you enjoy the posts as much as I enjoy writing them. I already look back to the ones from early in the month and am grateful for having my family memories recorded somewhere I know I will go back and look at in the years to come.
James: "Mommy, I take a picture of you pweeese"
Now it's Mommy's turn to take the picture!
Yummy breakfast burritos from McDonalds...and yes I have given my love of McDonalds burritos to my child and he loves them too...along with other bad favourite foods like
Cheez Whiz and Kraft Dinner!
Cheez Whiz and Kraft Dinner!
Attempting to get my yearly birthday photo with my little man!
He looks so little in this picture for some reason, reminds me of what he looked like a year ago!
hahahahaha...the many faces of James
Dressed and ready to head for supper! Cute family photos for Mommy's Birthday.
Opening his Christmas present from Michaela
Such a beautiful niece I have! Love you Michaela
The wonderfully patient Bumma playing the Toopy & Binoo game with James and me
Now it's Daddy's turn to play!
6 months ago you couldn't have paid this kid to eat a cupcake...and now he loves them!
Blurry picture but still kinda cute!
Overall it was a fantastic birthday and I feel very lucky to have such wonderful people in my life. This next year of my life is going to be a great one, with the birth of our new little one (whom has moved a bunch today to let me know him or her were thinking of me!) and becoming a most-likely-complete family of four!