Well the diagnostic report came back from the Staples EasyTech report and apparently their 99% success rate will not be applying to our poor external hard drive.
Imagine my shock last night when I get home and find a message from Staples. I was told it would take 10-14 days for the diagnostic report. I happily phone back expecting/hoping to hear that there was only Level 1 damage to my files and they would be easily recovered for the $199 that I talked about with the girl here at the store.
Now imagine my shock and horror when the poor guy on the other end of the line told me that it was a total mechanical failure of the hard drive so they classed the damage at Level 4....with another basic diagnostic fee of ....... $1,139.......to hopefully recover the files (still no guarantee). I feel sorry for the guy as I kind of shouted and could feel myself tear up when he said it knowing that those files are now lost to us but also relieved that now I know and can move on and download the files I do have saved and move on...and never let this happen again. I tearfully told him to just please have the external sent back to the store and I will exchange it for a new one. Thank god I bought the $10 replacement plan!
Tough lesson learned for sure...BACK UP YOUR FILES PEOPLE! I laid in bed this morning saddened about the great photos I took of James this Christmas with my Auntie Karen and Uncle Ron and at our friends Christmas party of our friends little guy Jaxon, but have to be relieved yet again that at least some of those memories are saved in our 2012 calendar...and as my friend Sarah reminded me yesterday, the rest are stored in my heart and head as my memories, and I will always have those, no matter what technological devices fail me in the future.
So, moving on from that, I am PUMPED to show you a picture of my new love....my new-to-us 17" Mac Book Pro laptop that we bought from a coworker and friend. I so appreciate that she sold it to us as she knew how much I love Mac products but knew we were years away from being able to buy one brand new. For now I am just so excited to have a reliable computer again!
Here's a picture of my new baby...all hooked up and syncing/updating my Ipod! I love it!