That's a tough question for many pregnant ladies (well families I think) these days. Jim and I had always talked about not ever finding out the gender of our babies, no matter how many of them we end up having.
All was fine with James because back then you had to pay to find out if you lived in PR because 1) we didn't have an ultrasound technician so had to travel for them and 2) the hospital in Comox wouldn't tell you so you had to do a private u/s to find out.
But this time was very different for us. Once we heard that the new u/s tech in town will "tell" you without actually saying the word but by punching in the XY or YY on the screen for you to see, I will admit that my mind wondered constantly and just desperately wanted to know whether the baby was a little girl or another little boy.
We talked about it at length and Jim even told me at one point that if I really wanted to know he was okay with finding out too, which shocked me because I know he is happy to just wait for the surprise.
In the two months before our u/s, two of my friends found out they were having little girls and ever since then I was dying to know if I too would welcome a little girl, but also wondered whether I would be disappointed in myself that I hadn't waited like I'd always said I would. I really truly believe that there are really very few actual great surprises left in life and those last few weeks with James the only thing that kept me going was not knowing what he was and having the surprise to look forward to!
Fast forward to yesterday, I show up to my ultrasound and painfully but strongly tell the guy I do not want to know the gender, he just smiled and said "okay then". I did however want him to at least check and make sure it had a gender (not sure why that mattered, but it did!). So off he goes to do the measurements and I keep peeking at the screen wanting to see the baby but not wanting to see something I shouldn't. Jim and James came in for the family sneak peek and I thought we were done and out of the clear and hopefully with no more scheduled ultrasounds I wouldn't have to worry anymore about it being a decision to be made when all of a sudden the tech guy says to us "now, are you guys SURE you don't want to find out?"
Well I'm sure by now you may be wondering if we did or if we didn' here you go....
It's a.......
BABY!! the end we were both strong and said no thank you, we are okay with waiting to find out. The funniest part was when I asked the guy if he at least saw the gender he just cheekily smiled at me and said "well you know I can't tell you that!"
So, now here I am even more excited to see what the baby is and whether the Barrows family will be even-numbered and welcome a little Kimmy or if this poor Mommy is going to be surrounded by penises and we will welcome another little Jimmy!
Please let the next 4 months go quickly because I really can't wait to see what baby is going to join our happy little family!!