Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Preschool Show & Tell - Week 17

I've wondered when Kitty would be the victim of Show & Tell and this week was finally her week to shine as James's favorite toy. This odd looking white stuffed kitty was given to James when he was around 18 months old from our sitter Donna. He loved it immediately and sleeps with it most nights, although isn't so attached to it that it has to be with him wherever he is. I've sent him to my mom's and we've gone up the lake without her and he's totally fine which is nice to not have to worry about forgetting her someplace and him freaking out! He's never been overly attached to anything thankfully resulting in easy sleepovers. About 6 months ago he politely told me it was okay for me to put away his baby blanket because he didn't want it anymore. He's such a big boy now! :o)