Happy 7 Months to our Monster Man
7 months already....how is time going by so fast now? You are such a great baby and have added so much love and joy to my life since your birth that I actually have a hard time remembering what life was like before you came along.
In the past month you have grown more and are now topping the scales at close to 24 pounds. On your brother's first birthday he wasn't even that big! You are chubby, happy and loving little guy. You are still an absolute dream of a sleeper. You now consistently sleep for 11-12 hours at night and at least 2 naps per day and on a good day each are 2+ hours, but even on a bad day you still nap at least twice for at least an hour each time. I am in my glory and enjoying every second because I know better than most that even a great baby sleeper can turn into a terrible toddler sleeper!
This month you definitely went through a clingy-to-Mommy stage and when I would leave the room you would cry if you couldn't see me. Once you spent some time with Daddy during his days off at Christmas you were much better, but before that it was very tiring to carry you everywhere with me...seeing as you are the size of a rather large turkey! Nana said one day when you were with her and she left the room and left you with someone else that you cried too. You are very attached to the females in your life...although Daddy and Papa always seem to get the best smiles out of you compared to me and Nana. How does that work?!
This month you started eating food, including such yummy stuff like rice cereal, apple sauce, sweet potatoes, carrots and green beans. You also can devour a Baby MumMum like it's no ones business! You love to be fed bits of whatever we are eating too and I can already see that once you catch on to how to feed yourself little pieces of food that you will not be interested in being fed for too long.
You are becoming quite affectionate and absolutely love to be hugged, kissed and snuggled, but you are also a wicked hair puller which results in Mommy's hair being in a ponytail for pretty much all of your awake hours. You love to play on the floor now and still enjoy both your exersaucer and Jolly Jumper (when I remember to bring it out and put you in it!). You are most affectionate with James, and when he comes within your reach you instantly start to smile and "talk" to him, all while he's tackling you to the ground and then complaining to me when you grab his hair or shirt or something. I keep telling him to be nice to you because before he knows it you are going to be bigger than him!
You are still quite a serious baby, definitely a thinker like your Daddy and definitely NOT a talker like your Mommy! You still aren't really babbling a ton, but like to grunt and squeal/screech sometimes. No sign of Mamamama, or Dadadada anytime soon, but who knows maybe listening to me and James natter at each other all day gives you a headache and you just don't feel like contributing to the noise in our house :o)
You are still not crawling, but definitely getting closer by the day. You can get up on your knees, but can't figure out the forward motion yet. Once it happens, you will take off I'm sure, chasing James anywhere he goes as you still absolutely adore him and want to do whatever he's doing.
You are definitely still a big baby and are now in all 12-18 month clothes but wondering how much longer you'll fit them for. You seem to still be growing all the time and I'm curious to see at weigh-in next week how big you are.
We all love you so much little monster man and I can't wait to enjoy these last 5 months with you until I return to work.
Poor Harris lost his hat because the kid just couldn't/wouldn't look at the camera, he was far too distracted/interested in the bears hat!
And of course back to the beginning to see how it all started.