Thursday, January 9, 2014

My handsome date today

Jordie and I went on a date today while James was at school.

First we headed to River City where mommy got a yummy hot chocolate and Jordie smiled at our friends there. Then we snuggled on the big comfy couch while he drank he bottle and me my drink. He was so adorable today and smiled up a storm at the older guy across from us who when we were leaving actually thanked me. You could tell he really liked kids and being able to interact with one for a few minutes made his day. 

Then off to the health unit for weigh in and surprise surprise...Jordie has gained even more weight!! He's now a whopping 24 lbs and 14 oz and 28.5 inches!

Such a big boy and I couldn't be prouder or happier to be his Mommy.