Our night consisted of the moms visiting and playing with the babies, the dads playing Wii and the big kid boys playing downstairs in the basement. We bribed them to participate in our big group photo by offering Timbits and chocolate milk. Jim and Kevin even snuck them ice cream sandwiches and funny enough it was Kevin who gave it away when he came upstairs with chocolate on his lips. It was an all around awesome night, even if everyone was gone by 10 and we were all cleaned up and in bed by 11...well Jim was passed out, but I was happily laying awake relaxing when the clock struck midnight to enter into the new year.
Here are some of my favorite photos from the night. Thankfully my friends are understanding, and I think appreciative too, of my love of taking photos and thankfully we have photos to remember these fun evenings!
Starting off the post with my favorite photos of the night...followed by a whole bunch of good ones and some funny and blooper type ones too!
The whole group of us. Thankfully we have our stairs right across from here and luckily I
was able to figure out my fancy new camera enough to set the timer. Both sets were 10 photos each and at least we got one photo where everyone is all looking at the camera. To ask for all smiles is just too much with this many people!
3 cute getting-so-big babies!
Our 4 big guys giving us thumbs up at the end of a super fun evening.
My two besties and me celebrating and getting our yearly together photo that I put in my Friends photo frame
Our awesome and funny hubbies
Now onto the family shots!
Some of these ones were so funny...especially one of Kevin coming up!
And two of the Tassells because they are both cute for different reasons
Now for the individual kid photos...starting with the youngest
Kaleb Slack
Jordan Barrows
Maddie Tassell
Jaxon Tassell
James Barrows
Dane Slack
Linden Slack
hahahahahah...poor Sean and being tall...he totally got cut out of these outtakes from the first set of 10 photos we took!
I guess Sean was feeling left out so he photobombed the Slacks family photo
hehehehe...here's the one of Kevin I mentioned earlier :o)
It would have been the best photo of the Slacks if it wasn't for Kev's face!
It would have been the best photo of the Slacks if it wasn't for Kev's face!
Now some funny ones of the 3 daddy's...acting not very daddy-like!
Now some more random cuteness from my adorable and funny subjects
He was SO WIRED and this was his face telling me about their party downstairs. He had such a good time and absolutely loved having Linden and Dane play in his playroom with him.
Beautiful Mommy and Daughter
Teamwork moving the car mat from his room to the playroom
I love the faces that babies make in exersaucers!
hehehehehe...they are actually measuring how thick his thighs are...they are almost as wide as his head is!
The "kid" party that happened in the basement...they went back and forth both inviting us and telling us we weren't allowed down there.
Playing Silly 6 Pins
High Fives!
Hey Ash...how would you feel about triplets??
Handsome Father and Son
Look at the smile on this lady...thank god she has 7 older boys that will be looking out for her in school. No one will be dumb enough to mess with her!
We had appies for dinner which he isn't a big fan of so he had Timbits, a donut, chocolate milk, an ice cream sandwich...and then at 10 pm when they all left he asked for an apple :o)
High fives for Uncle Kevin
hahahaha...the look on Kevin's face after Jim's impromptu New Years kiss
This was his smile even at 9:15 pm
A few more cute photos from the littlest partiers.
First it's kisses for Kaleb
And then she's moving on to Jordan...love the "what the hell is going on" look on Kaleb's face behind them!
Oh she's getting rough now and pushing him over. Love the action shot of these next two photos!
Jordan..."oh oh I'm falling!"
Kaleb "what the heck is going on"
Maddie "what? I didn't do it"
Kaleb "what the heck is going on"
Maddie "what? I didn't do it"
Maddie: "you sit him back up near me and I'm just gonna kiss his big chubby cheeks some more"
This little girl just has my heart completely. Look at those dimples!
Quiet apple eating after everyone left while Mommy and Daddy clean up
A really fun few minutes of selfies with our big guy before heading to bed. He was such a good little boy all night and we had some fun family moments that I will remember forever. How is he so big already?!