This was the first week that I forgot to take the photos on Tuesday when Show & Tell happens, but decided to just do them Wednesday instead we were rushing out the door to get to school on time. I'm really enjoying these posts because I'm finding it's harder and harder to take photos of James all the time because he's just so busy. This weekly feature of him gives me that chance and this week actually has a new favorite photo of mine of him. He is so often super cheesy these days and has the awkward toddler smile going on still. Once in awhile though I manage to capture a rare natural looking smile. That my friends is why I take so many photos of my kids...that way there is always bound to be at least one good one!
Anyways, back to S&T for this week. He once again chose a toy car, he has had this particular one for a long time, I actually think it was his first real set of cars he ever got. He got it from Jim's aunt and uncle for I think his first or second Christmas and he still plays with them all the time. They came in a set with a construction site.