Monday, January 13, 2014

I'm on a roll!

Today marked the second week in a row that I planned out our meals for the week and actually went grocery shopping too! It feels good to be getting life organized well ahead of my return to work in May. I'm feeling less stressed about supper, now knowing what food I have in the house for meals and planning ahead for things I know James and I both like to eat.
Meals on this weeks menu included:
Tonight: chicken strips (not frozen, made from fresh chicken breasts), French fries (frozen), and garlic bread (loaf bought last week for something else and forgot to eat it so had to tonight!).
Tuesday: white fish, rice and carrots and broccoli (can anyone believe I am going to eat it too!)
Wednesday: French toast, bacon (for me only cause J won't eat it), and apple slices
Thursday: pork chops in mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes and peas and carrots again
Friday: No idea yet...but it's Jim's first night home so we'll probably just get Subway or pizza or something (which I haven't done at all this whole turnaround!)
Saturday: Not sure yet what we'll do for that night.
Sunday: It's our week to cook so I'm thinking maybe lasagna, but haven't decided yet.
I'm actually looking forward to the coming week knowing what is on the menu. My next goal in getting organized is to create a kind of Barrows Family menu with all the different kinds of meals that we do eat or that I would like to try to cook more often so when I am doing my meal planning for the week I can just easily flip through my menu and pick what looks good or what we haven't had lately. And if I am going to have people over more often which I have tried to do so I am not so lonely in the evenings, I'll even let them look at it and pick what they want to eat! Maybe I'll post it on here too so people can give suggestions of meals I've missed, or ones that I just shouldn't make at all :o)
And just because my monkey monster man is so cute, here he was getting in on my grocery list...a few minutes later I caught him eating it!!