Happy 8 Months Big Guy!
I can't believe how fast time is flying now that we are past Christmas! It feels like just yesterday that Jordie was born and now I'm already writing up his 8 month post (which of course is late again!).
This past month had a lot of firsts in our big guy's world. First Christmas and New Years, first time at the park and on the swings (we've been waiting for Daddy to be here with us), and first time swimming (photos of those firsts coming in a separate post soon).
He is quite a good little eater these days and absolutely loves the mesh feeder we have. We put yummy fruits and veggies into it and he loves to eat together with us as a family. We've tried foods like banana, blueberries, strawberries, carrots. He is also eating foods that we eat such as potatoes, pasta, chicken, pork, etc.
He is still my phenomenal sleeper, with 3-4 hours of naps per day and a solid 11-12 hours of sleep at night. I am of course absolutely thrilled by this and on the off night he is awake at night you know it's for a good reason like teething.
Speaking of teeth...we've still got absolutely NONE! I can't believe he still has none with how much teething has been going on this month. He is still a really happy baby but certainly a little clingier some days when he is clearly uncomfortable.
Since Jim was home at Christmas I've noticed a definite decrease in the regular everyday clingyness that he was experiencing before that. I guess having Daddy home to spend time with made him need and want me less. He is getting better about going to other people now and with a demi-pair student here helping 5 days a week he is bound to get even better with it before my return to work in May.
This month also saw a major increase in moveability! He is finally army crawling and is pretty determined when he wants to get at something, specifically the things in my living room he isn't allowed to touch of course. The blinds, stereo speakers, and the laptop cord are his definite favorite things these days. I spend most of his awake time saying No, and Jordan, Don't Touch. The first time I spanked his hand he looked at me and put his arms down and grunted at me. He is definitely his father's boy! James when I did that would cry, or smile at me and go right back to it!
He is attempting to stand at things now, but I think with the weight he's carrying around it's tough for him. The other day I saw him standing at his music table and against a rocking baby seat we have. I don't think it will be long before he is full on crawling but I also suspect he may just skip that step altogether. We are attempting to teach him now how to climb up and down the stairs safely and properly. I know some people think I'm crazy but it worked really well with James. We taught him early and by 10-11 months he was safely crawling up and down them (with support and supervision of course) before he was walking. This time I'm doing it for two reason, one so I again don't have to put gates up on the stairs (3 floor townhouse = too many gates) and also because he's so heavy it will be nice to have him help me get him up and down all of those stairs!
As for his speech and/or babbling, we still have very little of anything that sounds like any kind of word but he is definitely becoming more vocal with his ramblings. He will occasionally say Mamamamama but he certainly isn't doing it when he's looking at me or anything. I think it's just his go to word cause it's the easiest to say right now. I know before long he'll be yelling and screaming for me so I'm not too worried about. I know all too well how fast they turn into cheeky, cursing little toddlers (oops, our fault on that one!)
To my sweet brown eyed little boy...Mommy loves you so very much and thinks you are the best thing that has ever happened to our family. I couldn't imagine life without you.
And back to a little tiny baby Jordie!