Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A New Year = A New Name....?

So apparently Jimmy and I haven't been on the same page with how we were spelling Jordan's nickname. As you can see from my blogs and/or Facebook, I spelled it with a y, so Jordy, but apparently he's been thinking it was going to be Jordie instead. When he was first born I thought I liked Jordy better but have now decided that in looking at it it reminds me of a girl's name more with the y than with the ie at the end.

It's something silly really as we mainly call him Jordan and I usually write it as such, but didn't want anyone to wonder if they saw me switching it up and thinking I was losing my mind and going crazy!

Soooo...from here on out he'll be known as Jordie Barrows...but really I prefer the name Jordan so he'll probably be that more often because now in looking at it spelled out above I'm not sure which spelling I do like better! Aaaarrrgggghhhhh....hhhhhmmmmm....I don't know which one I like!

Which way do you like it spelled better? Jordy or Jordie for our little guy?!?!

And just because he's so damn cute, here's a picture of him from today!