For some reason watching my baby grow into what we lovingly refer to as a King Kong baby beside his little baby friends, has made these past few months seem to just fly by! As I keep emptying out his closet of all shreds of baby clothes and pulling out toddler clothes that James wore when he was walking around I felt a tinge of sadness but also just shock and disbelief at how fast one baby can grow. He is now in all 12-18 or 18 month clothes as the 12-18 are mostly too short over his big belly!
Fast forward to yesterday when we finally got to the last item on the Daddy's Home To-Do List and it was full on sadness that set in with the lowering of the crib mattress. Now he just seems so big, yet is really still just a baby. The crib lowering is sad because I can no longer just stand on my tippy toes and reach over and kiss his little head while he peacefully sleeps. I can still lift him up I suppose, however, with his weight topping the scales at 25 lbs my arms are so tired from holding and carrying him by the end of the day that I doubt there will be much late night pick-up snuggles happening around here!
I can't believe how fast time is going now that we are past Christmas and have so many exciting things coming up in the spring and summer to plan for and look forward to.
I guess that's just the way things happen sometimes, but I'm sad that we are already here. Before you know it he'll be standing up in the crib and we'll have to move it down even lower. Lord help me on that day!
And this is his newest adventure...starting to climb the stairs (which I will wholeheartedly teach him to do so to relieve my poor back!)