Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Double J Photos - Week 3 - Jan 12-18

Jordie wearing PJ's that James could still wear when was 18 months old

James insisted on having me take a picture of Jordie with his kitty on the day he took it to 
Show & Tell.

The two pictures below of James are very similar but I love them both for different reasons. I love how the first one shows off his gorgeous blue eyes and the other one shows off his serious side and his rare resting face when he isn't giggling or talking (which he does from morning till night!)

Jim's awesome Auntie and Uncle gave us some matching PJ's for the boys for Christmas and because Jordie is such a big baby they can wear them all through the winter and I just love them! I'm sure many more matching PJ pictures will be taken!

I love these kinds of ones of the two of them together. Shows how they love each other.

This last one is just hilarious of Jordie!

 2014 Double J Photo Project
"Watching my boys grow up right in front of my eyes"