Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday to one of my fave girls Ashleigh...and to me too!

Ashleigh is the first friend I've ever had that shared the same birthday with me. In the past 2 years we've become great friends that always have a total blast together, whether we are sitting in the same room having tea together watching our kids play, or talking on the phone during one of our regular hourly chats while our kids are wrecking our houses and we are doing housework while we chat. I always laugh that I often get most of my daily chores done all while talking to her. I can fold laundry, put it away, load and unload the dishwasher, wash bottles and my least favorite task of all, sweeping the floor. We joke that I need to call her when I'm feeling unmotivated to get work done because that random boring work just seems like so much more fun when I have someone great to chat with when I'm doing it!

This year we told our husbands they better do something to celebrate our birthdays, so they actually did plan a dinner out for the four of us. They arranged for sitters for the kids and off we went to the Tree Frog Bistro for a great adult only dinner last night. We chatted, had a few drinks and randomly planned another trip for sometime down the road to somewhere warm...and without the kids. When we travelled to Seattle with them in August we had an absolute blast and would love to do another trip with them in the future! In just one meal we talked/dreamed about Vegas, Mexico, Hawaii, the Bahamas or Disneyland (which of course we'd have to take the kids with us on that one!)

Here are some pictures from our night last night. Happy Birthday Ashleigh...just one more year until you're the big 3-0! Next year we'll make sure we do it up really big...maybe Mexico?!?!