Monday, January 13, 2020

Then and Now - The James and Mom edition

I love FB memories for these kinds of photos. He was so little and didn't even have his glasses yet. This was taken just a few months before he got them actually. He wasn't quite 4 yet and I can't believe how fast the years have gone.

He's not in nearly as many photos these days because he's just so much more independent and he also moves so darn much that he's often blurry in them when I do snap them! Hahahaha

Had to go back to Ugly Sweater day at the school in mid-December to find our most recent selfie.

I'm so lucky to have an almost 10 year old boy that still loves me and will hug me in public at his school and doesn't give a damn who sees it. 

And one more throwback just cause it's so he is at 18 months old.