Friday, January 10, 2020

Favourite Photo Friday - The best of Christmas 2019

Because I'm a bit ridiculous and have 36,600 photos and videos on my phone from the past 2 years...this one should be pretty easy to pull off! I wanted to share photos on here more last year but just didn't get to it. I'm committed to it for 2020 and my 1000th post is in sight so I'm powering through!

For the most part these are in order but not totally...and I'm fine with it! Hahahahaha

Starting off with a trip to the city for me and Kennedy. She loved these two Christmas trees on the ferry!

And my amazing Auntie Carol too! One of my favorite human beings in my life.

Christmas tree decorating and new pajamas for the holiday season. I'm glad we gave them to them this night rather than on Christmas Eve. So much more opportunity to wear them all together!

I LOVE this photo of me and my kids so much and I'm glad I got Jim to take it

Annual ladies Christmas sock and baking exchange. Another fantastic evening spent with some of my favorite friends!

Here's the run down of who they all are and how I know them :)

Back Row: Tyanna (my niece), Debbie (daycare and baseball), Melissa (neighbour and strata), Alicia (The Peak), Ali (school and PAC). Front Row: Alena (long time family friend), Katya (kids school), Me (and Owyn-cutie little great nephew), Theresa (childhood friend), Jill (kids sports), Dena (kids preschool and karate), Rachele (high school friend), Kelly (kids school). Sitting: Jemma (kids school), Ashleigh (bestie) and Kennedy (crazy kid)

Back to early December when we took the kids to the theatre in Comox to watch Frozen 2. We all LOVED it so much!

PJ and Pancake breakfast day at the school. The whole Barrows crew was in our matching jammies but it was a busy morning so we didn't get a photo of all of us!

Did get one of me and James though!

And YES me and Jim are THOSE people that actually wore our jammies to the Winter Wonderland skating with the boys. Surprisingly they both didn't care at all and loved it. 

PJ day snuggles at Nana's house waiting to see Uncle Ben and Tracy!

I LOVE this photo of these two! Out for Chinese food lunch with Tracy's whole family when they came over to meet us all.

Making puzzles with my Jordie boy

Christmas Eve milk and cookies and stockings all laid out

Christmas morning fun

I longed for the day a child would love stickers as much as I did as a kid!

Beautiful weather on Christmas Day so we headed off to the school to play for awhile. The fresh air was awesome and we all had so much fun!

Showing off his new hoodie!

And yes, some of us didn't bother to get dressed before we went!

Trying out James's new skateboatd

Playing in the sandbox!

And some soccer too of course!

Playground time!

An hour later we were all dressed up and fancy for dinner!

I did her braid and Daddy did mine so we could be matching!

Sharing her snack with Ninwaya

Typical Christmas Day photos in front of the Christmas tree before dinner

The whole gang (a MUCH smaller dinner than normal...but the perfect people to share our Christmas dinner with!)

These two were so cute together!

Grandma and Ninwaya snuggles

All tired out from photos and just wanted to lay under the tree.

Chilling out after supper!

Miriam was very excited when Kennedy asked her to paint her fingernails

After dinner we took a little detour to see the awesome lights display at the Vizzutti's house a few blocks over from us! The kids loved it!

Christmas night snuggles in our matching jammies from last year!

THIS is how we spent the following 3 days...on the couch doing nothing but watching movies (for them). I watched 2.5 seasons of The Good Doctor on the iPad with the headphones. We were all sick and just really needed the rest.

Yes she's rubbing my feet :)

We had these little beauties for a day and they were cool to do nothing too so that's what we did!

They did leave the couch long enough to play some stickers though with KJ

Not sure when this was taken but I do love this smile of hers

On the 29th we finally ventured out of the house for the last day of Winter Wonderland skating. It was her first time on skates and she had a great time. 

All ready to give it a whirl, and here comes Daddy with her bar

Attempting some time without the bar...hahaha I couldn't do this because I'm not a good enough skater and would have fallen on my ass!

Some sled rides too of course!

She had a blast and can't wait to learn to skate...and play hockey apparently.

My one photo with her!

A quick shot with Jordie for the lap that he held my hand and skated around. He thinks it's funny that he's a much faster skater now than I am :)

We got off earlier than the boys and just hung out with the Minions

Fort building fun on our quiet days

BUSTED....wrestling....which they know they aren't supposed to do...and if they do and there are tears then don't bother to tell me about it!

Off to see Frozen 2 again!

The theatre was PACKED for the matinee show on the 31st!

One last photo of this little lady. This was taken on New Years Day at the playground just before the Polar Bear Swim started!