Tuesday, January 7, 2020

We call them the "Toddler Speed Wobbles"

Big ouchies for our sweet Kennedy girl! We were rushing into dance class as we were just about late and I told her we needed to hustle so she went running so fast from the van to the front door and before I knew what was happening she was down! Toddlers don't have great balance to begin with but then throw in running too fast and it ends in disaster. She bailed hard...right onto her little face. She gave herself a little raspberry under her eye, goose-egg on her temple, a skinned knee and a run in her tights. :( 

This was just two minutes after it happened and I was trying to capture a picture of her cute little outfit but she was still crying (but giving a valiant effort at a smile). 

Right after this Ms. Sydney came out and it was it showtime!! She wiped her tears and off she ran to dance class. She LOVES dancing and I am already so excited to see her at the year end show in May. She's going to be ridiculously cute. 

Dance is over and we are a happy girl!  

And now we're tired of Mommy snapping photos! hahahahaha

All smiles for a few selfies at big brothers' hockey