Sunday, January 19, 2020

Selfie Sunday - Me and my handsome big guy

We are in the home stretch of James's big room reno and tonight is his first night down there and I couldn't be more excited for him and for us for having pulled off this huge feat in just two weeks! I'll post some pictures after I'm in the city next week and can get the last of the stuff that we need for down there.

We went out to Walmart today and while we were out he asked if we could take a few minutes and grab some steamed milks from Starbucks while we were out. I love that he still loves spending time with me and whenever I get the chance to spend one on one time with him I try my best to make it special, even if just in a small little way.

I love this big guy so much and I'm so happy for him that he will finally have some space that is just his. Once I finally share the before and after pictures I think you'll be shocked at the progress that was made in such a short time!

A little sneak peek of his room color :) Here is a little snuggle that we had this afternoon. I am looking forward to having some quiet alone time each night with all of my kids now that they all have separate rooms!