We had been dating since August and even though I thought he would tell me at Christmas time it was almost 2 whole months later when he finally said it. We were laying in bed watching dumb movies that he loves (Far & Away and Braveheart) and I looked up and him and he said "I love you" as if he had been saying it all along. Then we walked out to our kitchen and I found chocolates and a really nice card.
The following year Jim went all out for V-Day and surprised me at work with flowers, a huge helium balloon, handmade card with poem in it and a wonderful steak dinner.
Roses are red, violets are blue, you're a great girl, a bit spoiled too.
I still love you very much
Be My Valentine
Love Jimmy
In the years since there has usually always been a card and/or flowers or gift. This year we decided on no big gifts or anything and he just gave me flowers a couple of weeks ago so we were all good. I would rather get cheap flowers in January than expensive flowers on Valentine's Day. Today started out rough with me still being really sick with this terrible head cold. I decided to keep James home with me today too as he was starting to cough and had a runny nose as well. I also just kind of didn't want to have to get him dressed to go anywhere! It was really nice to have a rare day alone with him, even if I did feel super crappy. In the end today was a pretty great day. We watched the Cars movie, snuggled on the couch together.
He watched some Toopy & Binoo in his couch fort/tent, then we both napped, had a nice hot soothing shower, got into clean pajamas, and made Daddy some cards and did some crafts.
When Jim walked in the door it was awesome to see how excited James got and started yelling "Happy Valentine's Day" and jumping up and down saying "we made you cards Daddy!"
He can't decide yet if he's more comfortable left or right handed.
Goodnight hugs and kisses for the baby!
And just for fun, here are two of the poems I've written for Jim for Valentine's Day
My favorite color is red
You look great in blue
You are such a grump lately
But I still love you
Love Kim
Alfred Sr.
My favorite color is red
You still look great in blue
2 years later you're a lot less grumpy
And I'm completely crazy about you
Love Me
Will have to find the 3 different ones I've done for James since I started at the Peak. Will post those in a separate post sometime soon.