Sunday, February 3, 2013

24 Weeks - 6 Months

24 weeks

Due Date: May 22, 2013
Total weight loss/gain: + 8-10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Heck yes, went into them really early to be more comfortable, but just as last time, I wear a lot of my regular sweaters and tops because I clearly wear clothes way too big for me!
Stretch marks? Yes of course, but not sure how many are new or existing
Sleep? Still happening but definitely waking up more at night these days, but not because I have to pee, just because I'm awake
Best moment of this week: Teaching James that when baby comes we will be a family of 4. He lists us off on his fingers now...Mommy, Daddy, James, and baby!!
Miss anything? Easily getting up off the couch, lifting and carrying James (Jim gets upset when I do it now as he's almost 35 lbs), being able to go an hour without peeing (baby uses my bladder as a trampoline).
Movement? Not a lot, some days more than others but certainly not many big kicks or rolls yet
Food cravings? Pringles...and I was in to mini donuts but have decided it's time to stop eating them or I will gain a ton of weight! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? After breakfast most days I feel a bit queasy and if I eat too much at any one sitting I feel yucky too. Also if I wait too long between meals I feel sick too.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yes for sure, the belly is definitely growing daily
Gender: No idea...and hoping to keep it that way. Hopefully won't need anymore ultrasounds so I won't have to resist the urge to find out.
Baby's name: Nothing set in stone yet. Girls names pretty narrowed down but open to boy name suggestions.
Labor signs: No, and hoping to have no signs of any labor (or pain for that matter)
Belly button in or out: Still there but definitely getting shallower by the week
Wedding ring on or off: It's on during the day but off at home. It's been too big for many years so I'm careful with where I wear it.
Happy or moody most of the time: Generally pretty happy but I definitely have my crabby moods too.
Any mishaps due to pregnancy brain: Nothing that I can think of in the past month.
Similarities/Differences between pregnancies: I was way more sick last time and ate way worse foods last time. I can't really tell if I am bigger this time than last (maybe a comparison photo?) but I think this time I am way more tired! Could be the toddler running around or just the fact that my body is doing this for a second time! The best part so far though is that the heartburn is completely minimal and about a million times less than last time. Maybe this kid will come out completely bald and the old wives tale will be true. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Looking forward to: being done work, enjoying the last few months with James...and meeting baby for the first time too of course!
Next doctor's appointment: Friday, February 8