I'm talking about the sciatic pain I'm experiencing the past few days. It got considerably worse today and I think coupled with lack of sleep last night made for a miserable Mommy today. A positive spin on the day was that James again slept until almost 7 which was nice for me to get some extra rest time in bed before starting the painful day that was ahead of me. From the time I swung my legs over the side of the bed to get up I could feel a kind of pinching pain running down one side of my hip area.
I am so fortunate to have great coworkers who went out of their way to be helpful today so I could come home early and just relax. And also fortunate to my wonderful Mama who picked up James at the sitters so I didn't have to get back up again. And of course my amazing hubby who was both Mommy and Daddy tonight with taking care of dinner, bath, teeth and stories. I was able to play a game of Toopy & Binoo and read him a story while not leaving the couch so I feel like I at least got a bit of quality time today with little man.
I am really hoping that perhaps by resting today I will wake up tomorrow feeling much better. If not I think I may have to phone around and hope for the best that I can get in for a massage sometime soon.
Until next time..wish me good sleep vibes and wake up not in pain vibes. This pregnancy stuff, as amazing as it, does definitely have its negatives too! But in the end I have a handsome little boy upstairs in bed that reminds me every day that this amount of pain is so totally worth it all!