Sunday, February 24, 2013

Big Ouchies for James

Well, it finally happened! After going up and down our stairs like a pro since before he could walk he finally fell down them and ended up with a bloody nose and blue goose egg! He went up to get some books and turned around holding them, one fell and he slipped on it and fell face first onto the laminate flooring at the bottom.

My friend Michele was here with me and thankfully took over on the blood clean up duty while I did the consoling. In the end he was more concerned with the blood on his hands and on my shirt than he was about the pain. Within 2 minutes he was reading the letters on Michele's shirt and telling me "Mommy, that was a close one." I just laughed and told him that wasn't close at all buddy, you actually fell and hit your head! Such a little boy!

After some ice cream and some books and singing and a good hour of watching him, off to bed he went and slept relatively well until 6:40 this morning.

"Let me show you my new hair cut Mommy!"

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