By far the highlight of this week was our trip up to the cabin from Sept 4-6 for the Labour Day long weekend. We only went up for 2 nights but it's the longest we've been up there in a few years and it was an absolutely wonderful weekend for our whole family.
This picture of my favorites of all time...mainly because Jordie didn't talk much then and he actually was saying to him "me, help, B" which for him was HUGE!
They were hugging me to get me wet!
hehehehehehe...warming up near the fire. Don't let the sunshine fool you, it wasn't super warm that weekend and we spent a lot of time in front of that fire (especially in the evenings!)
Another favourite!
Now some cute ones of just James
Cool guy driving Papa's boat
From the moment we got there until he went to bed all this kid wanted to do was swim!
A definite summer fave picture of him!
Aaaawwww.....Nana's boy!
I was shocked he didn't freak out when they did this. He will love this picture as he gets older that I'm sure of!
James and Uncle Bruno
Such a handsome big guy
Love this one too!
And now some of Jordie boy!
He loved looking through the binoculars!
And fishing was a big hit too! idea but probably something to do with food...or the word no!
Loved hitting the singing fish and dancing with Auntie Karen
Love this one!
A couple more cute pictures from the week!
2015 Mommy’s Little Men Photo Project
love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”