Thursday, December 17, 2015

Kindergarten Christmas Show & Party

James's little Christmas show and potluck lunch was held on Tuesday and it was so fun to be a part of the parent group that organized the potluck as well as watching him and his little friends perform their songs. I love being a mom of a school aged kid and all that entails :)

Here are some adorable photos of the boys the morning of the party...all dressed up so handsomely!

These cute crafts made by the kids were used as decorations in the multi-purpose room

Here's the awesome cake that Quynn's mom Kelly made for the party!

Jordie and my parents walked down to see James's classroom and he was so excited to show us his Lego creation and of course Jordie was fascinated by it too!

James and his little friend Jenna

The show was held in the foyer and Jordie and Nana and Papa got some of the best viewing area available

hahahahahaha....he spotted me right after this!

Then he reached up for Nana to pick him up and yelled at me "mama, me up here"

Concert pics....not great because I was quite far back and James was also way in the back so  not really close enough to get really good pictures. I wished I had put my zoom lens on (note for next year!)

Adorable Quynn

My kid looks silly but a bunch of my friends kids look great in this picture so I'm posting it anyways! idea what he's doing in this picture! 

The best one that I got

He's looking up at Nana, Papa and Jordie. He was so excited that they all came to see his show! 

The actual lunch was a bit of a crazy time so not too many photos were taken during the party.

And a few cute ones of two of the Parkin kids :)

Now here are the videos! Thanks Jenn for taking the videos, I'm sorry I didn't get better photos for everyone!

Christmas Time has Come!

Feliz Navidad

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Jingle Bells

Grand Finale