Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mommy’s Little Men – Week 32 – Aug 2 – 8

Throwing it WAY BACK to the beginning of August because I got that far behind in my weekly posts, BUT I am determined to get all caught up before the end of December and the start of a new weekly blog series. Next year I am going to stick to the no more than 3 photos of each boy and hopefully this year I can stick with that resolution...and keep up weekly rather than 5 months late!

Starting off with the boys together photos. This was the week of the summer that the Reimer kids were here visiting too so lots of pictures with them were taken!

My favorites of James up next

And finishing off with my favorites of Jordie boy!

2015 Mommy’s Little Men Photo Project
“I love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”