Saturday, October 29, 2016

Who says I need a daughter?

For years now I've heard the phrase "you need a daughter" and I'm hearing it even more now that I am having another baby. But here's the funny boys are so awesome and do some of the things that I imagine a daughter would want to do too, such as brush my hair and pick out my earrings or my necklace. In fact, on some days, they fight over who gets to do these things, and some days I "award" the task to the kid that wins the "best kid award." This award is "handed out" to the kid that gets dressed without being nagged 10 times and does it without buggng his brother too. We've had some very funny arguments over who has won this award on some days!

They both love being helpful and they both love their Mama and are so proud when my hair is done and tell me how pretty I look. There is nothing cuter than them climbing up on my bathroom counter and opening my jewelry box and picking out the earrings I will wear that day, and then fumbling with their little fat fingers to get the hooks into the holes in my ears. It seriously warms my heart to the very core and believe me when I tell you that I don't feel like I "need" a daughter in the least. I feel like I got damn lucky so far with the two little boys I have and if we are blessed to have another little boy in our family in the Spring, I will be more than thrilled when he takes over the earring picking in the morning. 

Now keep in mind that my hair was not yet "done" when these photos were taken! My bangs look just terrible before they are straightened!