Saturday, October 15, 2016

July 2016 Monthly Memories

Well the rain and grey of October has set in but I'm still reliving our summer vacations with all of these wonderful photos from July!

Canada Day spent with the Parkins, both at Willingdon Beach and then at their house for a BBQ dinner.

Had to crash for a little snooze in between

Our yearly Canada Day photo

Playing in the backyard at Nana & Papa's house

First ball tournament of the year. It poured rain on Saturday but was nice on Sunday and was overall a super fun weekend for all of us! Here are the boys and hiding in the pouring rain!

This was literally like 15 minutes later. The sun came out and it was nice after that!

Jordie's first time doing the coin flip!

Time outs at the ball park for being little butt heads to each other!

Camping at Haywire Bay with the Tassells - July 14-17. Full blog post here!

Awesome visit with the Gizowski twins! First picture is of a very serious Colby!

My two loves with Mason & Colby

Uncle Jim got quite the kick out of these little guys. It was his first time meeting them!

The boys just had to help me feed them. Let's see if they are so helpful when it's our baby!

hahahahahaha...this kid kills me! These next photos are from the league year end ball tournament of the summer

The boys with their gifts from the team


A funny as hell moment of the summer. We looked back and saw Jordie going pee and eating hucklberries that were just above him. We all had such a huge laugh at this!

Jim got this cup from the team at the year ends banquet

Day 2 highlights

Jordie and NoNo 

This guy wasn't feeling so good so he was pretty quiet and calm compared to normal

Slip and slide fun

Close up of the boys gifts from the team

Sunday afternoon and he finally fell asleep

Checking out our new trailer

Here it is being delivered to Nana & Papa's

The one time it was hooked up to the big blue truck and we realized it could't safely tow it

Afternoon backyard pool party with the Parkins

Yup...that is cereal for supper! It's summertime, there are no rules in summertime!

Oops...Jordie boy got his first sunburn. Mommy felt so bad!

Filling up the pool waiting for Nana and Papa to get home from vacation with their Reimer cousins

Vacumming Nana's deck (yup it's something she actually does!)

He missed his Nana

James was pumped to show Papa his new golf clubs and putting green

Jacob spent the night at our house and James was so excited that he helped him finish off his camper Lego set

Helping Mommy grab some stuff at the store for a picnic lunch at Willingdon

Such a fun time with the Reimers at the water park!

A favorite James picture from the summer!

Love this one too!

Love this one of Jordie too!

We had a sleepover in the trailer with some of the Reimer kids

And Jordie had to have his morning snuggles with Papa when he woke up

These 5 love playing Lego together!

I love both of these photos of them!

On Jordie's last day of his first swimming lessons I took my good camera and got some really good photos of  him. I couldn't believe how much he looked like his brother when he was 3. CRAZY!

Photos of his first days of swimming are here!

This photo especially he looks like James did!

I love this one the best!

YAY! He passed into Preschool 2!

Team photo of the Hit Squad!

My favorite family photo of the whole summer!

Another night that he fell asleep on me at the ball park

Then woke up and got me a flower!

Random photos from the Hit Squad in July!

Best dog ever! This is Buddy McLean!

Now here are random iPhone photos that also show some fun times we had. This kid's feet are huge and will easily be bigger than mine in no time!

He's fading fast at 4:46pm

Walked back in and here he is at 5:00pm

Love this little guy so much!

More sleepy snuggles with Papa

James's first time helping Papa BBQ

And Jordie got a turn too of course

 Another late afternoon nap for Jordie

Another day and another afternoon nap on Mommy

This time his brother wanted to snuggle too

He wanted to draw a picture of our house

This kid loves popcorn!

More sleeping Jordie

Helping Mommy grocery shop one night after swimming

His first big boy eye tests with Dr. Wyse

We were selling this toy and he decided that morning that he wanted to play on it

Beautiful sky at the viewpoint

His picture from Debbie's house

James's awesome Ninjago picture he drew

Snuggles for Daddy

Jordie first got to meet the twins with Nana while Mommy was working one day

His eye was swollen from a weird bug bite or something

Another great photo of the big guy!

Playing with their new art easel from Ikea!

After supper ice cream date and water park with the Parkin Family! 

Love this photo! 

Playing golf in the backyard 

Another sleeping picture...they are so adorable when they sleep side by side like this! 

Yummy skewer dinner one night with the Parkins. 

Another sleepy Jordie picture

Trying out their smoothie in Daddy's Unsung Hero mug

I walked in and found him like this one day, just chilling out watching TV

Room is a disaster but they are snuggling watching TV together...quietly!

James and I walked down to the mailbox and he helped me send off some packages 

I love that he still holds my hand, although I doubt it will be for much longer now! 

Jordie's first movie at the theatre...too bad it was so smoking hot in the theatre he could barely concentrate on it! 

Loved sitting next to his girl Maddie 

Attempted another photo after the movie was over and we were finally outside in the cool air! 

A beautiful sunset from N&P's deck!

And lastly out long weekend trip to Nanaimo to visit our family and friends. Full blog post with all the photos can be found here!