Thursday, October 27, 2016

9 Things You Should Say To Your Kids Every Day

I can't take credit for any of these because they came from a video slideshow that my dad sent me on FB but as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to do a post about it.

Even though I didn't come up with the sayings I absolutely believe in them and strive to remember them on a daily basis. A lot of them I do say to my boys, but some I don't and really should so I'm hoping that by posting this blog I will be reminded of them more often and they will become as second nature as the easiest one that I tell them at least 3-4 times per day...which is of course...I Love You!

Here they are: 

(1) "I Love You" - Say it to them as often as you like! 

(2) "I like it when you..." - Talk about positive aspects of their behavior

(3) "You make me happy" - This makes them feel valuable

(4) "I'm proud of you" - They need to hear they are doing a good job, even when it's hard

(5) "You are special" - Let them know their uniqueness is strength

(6) "I trust you" - Building a foundation of trust raises an honest person

(7) "I believe in you" - Teach them how valuable they are

(8) "I know you can do this" - Encourage them to never give up

(9) "I am grateful for you" - Be specific, this can really make their day!

From the FB page that this came from came another great saying....Don't let a single day go by without telling your kids how you feel. 

These two are the reason I do everything in my life...and why I strive to be the very best mother that I can be. They make me want to be a better person and make me proud to see the little men that they are becoming. I want them to know how much I love them and how special they are to me. 

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