Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Barrows Family 2016 Summer Bucket List

We had so much fun as a family coming up with this list of things we wanted to do this summer! Some we didn't get done but these will be moved to next summer for sure, as well as some of these items moving over as well! I think we did pretty darn good overall with how much we did get done :)

✔️✔️✔️ Camping 
We did this a total of 4 times, but only 3 trips have been blogged so far because they technically happened in the summer so count towards this post. The last camping trip pictures will be posted very soon though! Click on each of the posts if you want to see some of our great camping fun this summer!

✔️ Ice cream at Putters with Nana & Papa

✔️ Feed the squirrels on beach trail
We went for a great walk one morning with the Parkins and Slacks while I was on vacation!

✔️ Backyard pool party with friends at N&P's
The Parkins came over a beautiful sunny afternoon and the kids all had a total blast! Jenn and I were so busy visiting though that I didn't take many photos, but this one of the boys enjoying their fudgesicles is a good one!

And here was another evening dinner and pool party that we had with the Tassell's!

✔️ Cabin for the day (Sakinaw Lake)
Full blog post about our wonderful day at my aunt and uncle's cabin on Sakinaw Lake can be found by clicking the following link: Sakinaw Lake day for the boys and Mom

We also went up to my other aunt and uncle's cabin here on Powell Lake for two separate weekends as well, once in June (blogged here) and once for the Labour Day weekend. We had lots of fun during both weekends, although over Labour Day it was harder for me because I had just found out I was pregnant and wasn't telling anyone yet and wasn't feeling very good either! I realize I didn't do a blog of the Labour Day weekend so here some great photos of that weekend!

✔️ Willingdon water park
We actually went twice this summer. Once with the Parkins when we did an ice cream and spur-of-the-moment-get-your-clothes-soaking-wet-at-the-water-park after supper get together and the other time was when I took the boys and the 3 Reimer kids while they were here visiting. Here are a few pictures from those two outings.

Jacob was with us too but you won't see any of him as he chose to play at the playground instead of the water park.

✔️ Donkersley Beach
Our summer was so ridiculously busy with 3 camping weekends, 3 ball tourney weekends, a weekend up the lake, Dad and Grace here for a weekend, a long weekend trip to Nanaimo, and N&P house sitting we just didn't end up being able to all go to Donkersley Beach as a family as we had hoped...BUT the boys and I did get to go one morning with a great friend that was in town visiting with her little guy that is the same age as Jordie.

Here are some pictures from our short but fun morning!

✔️ Try out 3 new playgrounds in town (French school, DA Evans, Edgehill school, Sunset Park, new Westview Elementary one) - we knocked this one out of the park (hahahahaha)...we hit 5 new to us (or new to the community) parks!
French school

DA Evans

Edgehill school

Sunset Park (brand new and just installed a week or two before)

Westview Elementary's new playground. This one was fun for me because I sit on the PAC and helped pick the new play features of it and I can see this playground from my office and can see the kids enjoying it every day!

✔️ Race at Westview Elementary - this was fun, especially once the boys learned to ride without their training wheels. And we also quickly realized that they were going to be riding a heck of a lot faster than we were walking so we told them that as long as they stayed together and stayed on the path around the school that they could ride way ahead of us. Eventually they lapped us!

Jordie and I walked home but James wasn't allowed to come with us because just before we left the hockey rink area he purposely stuck his stick out and into his brother's spokes of his bike which made him fall flat on his face. It was a jerk move so we made him go home with Dad in the truck (which we only brought because we had been out before this doing something and the sticks were in the truck already!)

Good boy walking his bike across the road properly! Very important to teach your kids the safe rules of the road at a very early age!

 And also walking it into the strata's driveway!

✔️ Hockey at Westview Elementary - another favorite activity of James's is to play hockey at the school and this was definitely one that he added to the list. Both this and the race happened on almost the last day of August, but it still counted for the summer! And here's another instance of me being in the pictures instead of just taking them!

✔️ Supper with Auntie Tana and Uncle Cody
We have no pictures of this one because technically it was just a quick pizza that we grabbed on a night that Tyanna and Cody agreed to watch the boys for us so we could go out to a ball tournament wrap up dinner. But technically....the boys did have dinner with these two. Next year I'd like to do more with them for sure, including another item on the list that we didn't get to this year!

X  Mini golf with Auntie Tana and Uncle Cody
X  Walk the sea wall
X  Hike Valentine Mountain
X  Dinner out with Jenn & Bill Parkin

A ton of fun was had this summer and I'm sure next summer will be very interesting and hopefully a bit quieter for us with a new baby...but I somehow doubt it will be! We are busy and active people who love getting out and doing stuff and I'm sure that isn't going to change completely with another child. This 3rd baby will just need to learn to go with the flow and go with us :)