Sunday, April 10, 2016

Nanton Lake fun day with friends!

Back in mid March we went on another awesome lake day with our friends, this time even further up the back roads to Nanton Lake. I have never been there before and I am loving now that we have a truck and feel more comfortable heading up the dirt roads that we are getting to experience more great places in our town. I love that we've become much better friends with the Parkins because our kids love each other, the hubbies get along great and me and Jenn can talk about anything for hours and not run out of things to talk about! And I love how she loves to take pictures like I do. Pictures in this blog post are a mixture of my camera, my iPhone and her camera and I love them all ( always, there are lots of pictures in this post!)

Because our truck has two bench seats we offered to take the Parkin boys with us so the boys could all travel together. The ride up was quite loud with lots of talking and singing and yelling :) These kids have become great friends over the past few months and I look forward to many more years of fun family times ahead.

Absolutely beautiful! The weather wasn't supposed to be very nice but we thought we'd give it a shot and see how it went. It was overcast but wasn't cold and it didn't start raining until we were packing up to go home. These next few scenery shots were taken by Jenn.

Not there 10 minutes and the kids were into the chips!

Adorable photo that Jenn took! I think she said this was the only one she took on her iPhone.

Just across the road from where we set up there was an empty campsite that had this big dirt bank that the kids just loved sliding down

This is what kids memories should be about

Layer 1 of dirt...less than half hour after we got there. Luckily we brought a spare change of clothes to travel home in. We warned them that if they got dirty they had to stay in these clothes until we left so it was up to them what they did and how dirty they got!

Jenn and I went for a walk to check out the rest of the totally empty campground.

This was a great hollowed out tree that Jordie went into to explore

And asked Daddy to come in too!

The kids ran down the road to find us

Back at the campfire

Definitely getting dirtier

But oh so very happy!

And then Jordie decided to go in the muddy water at the edge of the lake...

hahahahaha...and then lost his boot!

Look at  his face...he was so pissed off and I of course thought it was hilarious!

Quynn went over to see what James was doing, and she promptly got stuck too!

Awesome photos that Jenn took of this whole scene I said, he was pissed off!

Time to roast some wienies. What a great photo of Bill!

And my so handsome hubby loving the outdoor time and happy to have some friends who want to go out and explore the back roads...and know the way so can show us where to go!

Did I say above that he's least I think he is! 

The only picture I have of Blake...the kids were on the run the whole time the Leflers were with us!

I love these 2 pictures!

This kid is just awesome and the more I talk to him the more I see what James is going to be like in 3-4 years from now. They are very alike :)

Having some quiet time checking out the fire.

And of course eating some licorice

Me and Jordie went for a little walk and he climbed into Daddy's truck to play for a bit

Then back to the fire to have some marshmallows and smores

Very happy James!

A little mom/son selfie time

This whole set of photos is just adorable! This is a combination of photos from my photos and Jenn's camera. Here's are way clearer and brighter than mine are so you can easily tell the difference :)

Gracie loves Jordie's hat

And he just loves hugging her

Look at her smile!

My favorite one!

Jenn took this picture at the exact same cute!

So many hugs and kisses

They all look like they don't want to be have this photo taken...except for maybe Aidan! 

My favorite 2 photos!

Hahahahahaha....look at the look on Jordie's face!

More time playing

And of course Jordie is eating again!

And snuggling with Daddy

Some more bank climbing and sliding

Everything with these kids lately is ping ping he says!

Attempting to go down a small hill because Mommy couldn't handle watching him go down the big one by himself.

Now my photos of the sliding

I love this one the best!!

Daddy came over so he got to climb to the top and supervise Jordie's turn to go down the big hill!

Another favorite photo!

Now a couple of this beautiful little lady!

The best one I think!

In the trucks and getting changed into dry and clean clothes

I've never taken a big selfie like this before...and I think we did a damn good job for my first time! kids have never been this muddy (and happy) before!

All clean and ready to head home

Dirty face = happy James

Driving away from our site just as the run really started

He fell asleep about 5 minutes before we got back to town

Lukas getting a hand into the house

And then he was out!

Overall a fantastic day spent with our friends. Wish we'd gotten the camera out more when the Leflers were with us but we were too busy visiting instead. Next time for sure though!