Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday James!

Jim asked me today how long I plan to take the boys photos with their bears....and my long as they'll keep sitting there doing it. I know at some point they will fight the middle of the year photo and I'll let that one go but the yearly birthday photo with the way, it's staying until they are 18 (even if I have to bribe them!)

Here is our wonderfully awesome, always adorably handsome, 6 year old big guy James. We just love him to pieces and couldn't be more proud of the kid that he is. Keep on being you James because you are incredible just the way you are!

Now we'll go right back to the beginning to see him grow right up! From 1 month to 6 years old. CRAZY how fast time has flown and how much he has changed. 

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

18 months 

2 years

2.5 years 

3 years

3.5 years

4 years

4.5 years

5 years

5.5 years

And then today...the big 6!

And a cute one of him holding Freedo too!
He wanted to hold him....I certainly didn't ask him to :)