Tuesday, April 12, 2016

James vs.The Uncles epic Easter hockey game

From the first day that Uncle Jack arrived in Powell River and James sucked him into playing some hockey with him in the driveway it became an idea to have a big game with James against the Uncles at some point over the weekend. It was decided that it would happen on Sunday afternoon and James talked about very little else for the whole weekend leading up to the event.

James was determined to wear all of his equipment for this big game, even though the sun was shining and I figured he'd be super sweaty afterwards. He was so excited and ready to be a tough guy!

Walking to his battle.

I was across the hockey box so didn't get really close up pictures of this whole exchange but James just walked over to Jack, dropped his gloves and proceeded to kick his butt. Jack laughed so hard and we all got a total kick out of it. This was definitely the high light of the game and it was before the teams had even been chosen.

The whole scene in one row :)

Time for a face off. 

Oh oh...the old man is about to bail...thank god he knew how to properly fall or he could have really hurt himself!

We all ended up laughing when he was sitting there, after we knew he was okay of course!

Mom was so worried that he had hurt his back!

Brotherly love or brotherly rivalry?

Jim decided he was done playing so Nana got in there and played goalie!

Oh yeah, and Jordie wanted to be goalie with her.

Then he decided he just wanted to sit in the net instead.

We told Ben he should really let James get a goal in so he dropped his stick and then Dad and Jack just went for it!

hahahahaha....Jordie boy!

He's getting mouthy with Uncle Ron...I didn't think this would end well for James!

He's up and swinging!

And then back down again!

Big high fives for a great game!

In the end, they ended up being team mates against Uncle Ron and Uncle Ben! 

Great photos of the guys! Can you tell James was a little bit hot?!?!

Here's the videos from the game!

James gets a goal!

Uncle Jack is whining

Nana gets hit with the ball...ouch! 

Jordie didn't last long playing hockey so I was glad I thought at the last second to bring his bike too. He only rode this bike for the first time two days before while I was in the hospital so I was shocked at how good he was at it.

Look at him go!

He loved that Grandma Doris would walk around with him too

Riding down the hill towards everyone


Not bad for only his second time bike riding with pedals!

And here's a couple of shots of the intense practicing that happened in the driveway on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

The spectators...James loves to play way more when people are watching him!

Some videos of the driveway practicing

Jordie gets a goal!

 Practicing his slap shot!