Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kindergarten Show & Tell - September

During our one on one meeting with Mrs. Butula the students were given a project to design a shirt that tells about them. James and I worked hard on this the first weekend after school started and I can admit that my control freak side had a hard time just letting him do what he wanted...but I was proud of myself, I did it! I think he did a fantastic job with just a little bit of help with some writing from me and this is one that we will definitely keep in the school years memento box!

Here it is hanging in its spot in the classroom

And here he is on the morning he took it to school!

Here is the work in progress:

Because I don't start work until 10am I am able to stick around James's classroom on Wednesday's and do some family reading. Today I stayed the full hour so I got to see my very first Show & Tell too. All through preschool I had wanted to see one but never had the guts to ask Janet and Laura if I could peek in and watch James show his little friends one of his favorite things. Mrs. Butula encourages parents to stay and help or watch anytime they like...and I love that! Because we are staying at Nana & Papa's we forgot to bring a S&T item to school so I quickly ran home and got Gunther for James. 

Here is the video I took of him telling everyone about him. I loved it and I hope I get to see even more Show & Tell's this year!