Here was my first FB status of the morning, at 6:47am
You know it could be a long morning when your 2 year old is awake before 6am and has his first timeout at 6:45! I wish you the best of luck today Theresa with this butthead! I hope he's in a better mood for you than he is for me!
He was awake at 5:55 and we had to get him up because he was yelling and I just knew he would wake up James if we didn't go in and get him and the last thing I wanted was a tired and cranky James! Jordan was whiny and cranky from the second his feet hit the floor and his mood didn't improve much over the span of the next 2 hours. I tried everything....snuggling with him, letting him watch his cartoons, feeding him a snack...but nothing worked. Before 7am he got his first timeout for hitting me for something because he was mad and I had told him no.
Around 7:45 when I went to sit him in his high chair to eat breakfast he absolutely refused to eat anything that I had put in front of him. He started screaming at me so I took him down and walked him over to the timeout corner where he proceeded to scream his little head off some more (I'm sorry to our neighbours!). It was at this point that my always very observant and opinionated James came out with two of the funniest things he's ever said before.
Here is my FB status from just before 8am
In the middle of Jordan's second screaming time out of the morning James says to me from the dining room while he's eating his breakfast "man, I would kick his butt if I was an adult!" Followed up by "I would drop kick him right out of the house!" Hahahahaha I'm glad I was in the kitchen and he couldn't see my face!
When I posted it my brother commented that he figured my mother had taught him that but I can easily admit that that was definitely Jim and I. We have used the phrase "drop kick you through the goal posts of life" maybe a time or two! :) really are ALWAYS listening! These kids definitely keep me on my toes!
Here is Jordie "talking" to someone on the iPod while laying on the cars table in the living room
And here he is after climbing up onto James's bike. he really just wanted to ring the stupid bell over and over...and over again!