Friday, January 9, 2015

Post #450....and Happy New Year from the Barrows Family

Wow, 450 posts already...and just over 48,000 page views! I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love blogging! I wish I was more creative and wrote about more important stuff but most of the time it's pictures and little anecdotes about the boys, but that's my life right now so I'm going with it! My goal/resolution for 2015 is to get a bit more in depth with my thoughts about parenting and motherhood and to share them here.

Our little family on our yearly New Years Day walk down the Willingdon Beach Trail

Happy New Years to all of our family and friends and readers of this blog. I have high hopes for 2015 for our family and yours and hope that you get all of the things you are wishing for as well!