Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy Birthday to me!

Even though I had to work today I ended up having a good day! Jim got up with the boys so I could sleep in, then I went and got my new driver's license photo taken, got some of my favorite yummy breakfast burritos from McDonalds, a visit with my boys and then off to work where I was spoiled with lots of love, a nice sign and a yummy sprinkle donut :)

Attempting to get a good one of the 3 of us....look at Jordie's new "smile"

Me and my sweethearts this morning in their new matching PJ's

Me and James before I left for work

They asked me what I wanted and I said a sprinkle donut, I didn't think they were actually gonna sing to me though!

At home on my dinner break and decided to have a hot chocolate instead of food.

My sign waiting at my desk this morning

Home from work and boys are heading to bed, but wanted to try and get a cute family photo

And one more attempt at a great photo with my two little men! I just love these two so much and feel so lucky to be their mommy, today and always!