Starting off the week with a couple of good photos of James and Mommy
Here we are just before we left on our Mommy/James date
And here's after Mommy's new hair cut
James at Timmy's after soccer Saturday
Another jumping off the stairs photo!
Now moving onto Jordie....cupcake eating for Mommy's birthday dinner!
Here he is sound asleep on his way home from doing recycling with Daddy
Up late one night because he was thirsty
At least at this point he was happy. Ask me how happy I was when he was still awake and screaming over an hour later. Not sure what was up with him this night because he is almost never awake after he goes to bed at night.
And a rare looking at the camera picture of him too
Those big brown eyes just melt my heart
Now some pictures of them together...snuggling with Daddy on Sunday morning when Mommy
had to go to work
Snuggles with Mommy on her birthday morning
Awesome new matching Canucks PJ's from Bumma
This is how they watch TV together once in awhile
And Daddy is just a jungle Jim these days!
2015 Mommy’s Little Men Photo Project
“I love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”
“I love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”