Tuesday, March 4, 2014

THESE are the memories I want to remember

For every single thing that James does that drives me completely bat shit crazy, there are so many equally amazing things he does that makes me just fall more in love with him every day.

Today for example he finished his breakfast and ran to the bathroom to wash up. On the way there he yelled to me "Hey Mom, when I'm done washing my face and hands we are going to have a family hug, and this arm here is going around you, and this arm here is going around Jordie!"


At lunchtime I was in the kitchen washing up some bottles and James tells me that he is going to help feed Jordie his bottle because he again dropped it on the ground (usually a sign he's done with it). I said okay thanks James, that's really nice of you. The next thing I hear him say to Jordie "that's a good boy Jordie, you're a big boy."

Then shortly before we left for school he and I are upstairs brushing teeth and Jordie was downstairs in his highchair and starts to fuss because we aren't where he can see us and James comes running down the stairs while yelling to him "it's okay Jordie, I'm coming for you"

And my personal favorite, although I do love seeing him be such a good big brother, was tonight when he was heading off to bed "I love you Mom, you're my best friend."

Total Mommy heart melting moments here today, and I couldn't be happier or more proud of the wonderful little boy that we are raising.

James: You're my best friend too buddy.