Next up are Jordan's photos of the week! Sorry if most of them are fuzzy, most were taken on my iPhone rather than my camera.
Enjoying his bottle on the ferry ride home from Comox
Grocery shopping with Mommy
This kid wakes up if the phone rings, the dog barks, someone talks outside his room, but this day, he slept at the bowling alley while Jim and James bowled a game after the boys eye appointments.
Jimmy and his little mini-me
Now it's James's turn!
Getting ready to go in to his appointment at the eye doctors
Looking all grown up while waiting for the doctor
Had to wear sunglasses for the rest of the day because his eyes were dilated and very sensitive to the light
In the fire truck during the firehall tour with his Daddy
Handsome big guy photos that were in the blog post the other day but really wanted them in the weekly post as well
And lastly a cute photo of me and my handsome man
Double J Photo Project
"Watching my boys grow up right in front
of my eyes"