Saturday, March 22, 2014

James conquered two fears in just one week

As anyone who knows us well will remember, James had an awesome head of hair when he was born and all the way through his first year until his birthday party when we finally cut it! He got through one more okay haircut at the salon and then the 3rd one he fidgeted through and clearly wasn't happy, but by the 4th one he went completely apeshit and we knew it just wasn't going to happen willingly again for awhile. That started the 2 full years where hair cuts were a no go in James's world if he could absolutely avoid them. We tried bribing him and that didn't work. Jim was able to shave his head one night when he was about 20 months old while in his high chair and distracted. Ang was once able to cut it while he was on the floor watching TV at her house. Jim and I even held him down and shaved it once because it was so long and getting into his eyes. He screamed and cried and then when all was done he was totally fine. I have no idea what the heck he was so afraid of. We did what we could so he didn't look like a permanent shaggy head kid!

Finally before he started school in September we told him that he had to have it done before he could go to school so he went and yes some tears were shed but thankfully my sister is a frigging pro and got through it so quickly that he was okay. A few more since that he has been okay about, with the iPad as a distraction of course! 

Fast forward to last week and I told him he had to get a hair cut before his birthday and I'd made him an appointment. I provided the required and promised Timbits and off we went, no distraction and just a promise to sit nicely for Auntie Ra...and sit nicely he did! He also happened to charm every single one of the ladies in the shop too, with his witty little sense of humour.

We walked out of there with his Timbits and the words I've been hoping/waiting to hear "Mom, that haircut didn't hurt at all!

The next fear conquered was the DENTIST! We tried taking him when he was 2 and he mostly let the dentist look in but cried and got upset within a minute so not much else was done other than that. We went at age 3 and a complete meltdown ensued where we had to hold him down while the dentist took a really quick look. Thankfully we take tooth brushing very seriously in our home so we were sure there were no cavities and issues we were concerned about.

So last week I tackled the hair cut so I made his appointment for when his Daddy was home and could take him :o)  For 2 weeks before I told him that he would be going to the dentist with Daddy and we read the two books we have on the subject, both the little Critter series and the Bearenstain Bears. It's wonderful how now that he's older he can actually relate to things we read about in books and it really does help him understand different topics.

Jim said they walked into the appointment and while James sat and watched Jim get his teeth cleaned he happily chatted with the hygienist until the other lady came to get him for his turn. He so politely when asked if he was ready to go with her said " thank you." Jim told him it was okay to go with her and that to just remember the Bearenstain Bears and how they said it didn't hurt and that the dentist would check his teeth with the little mirror on a stick so off he went with her, and Jim didn't see him again until after his appointment was over. He did the cleaning and the dentist check all by himself! He is getting just so big these days!

No photos were taken because of course I wasn't there and as mentioned he went in all by himself. BUT...he did bring his Mommy a present when he came back. Below is the beautiful plastic ring that he picked out for me. I of course put it right on and you are probably wondering how the hell that thing actually fit on my full grown adult fingers, but not only did it fit, it was actually a little bit big!