Happy 9 months Jordie!
This write up is terribly late as Mommy has been down and out the past few weeks with a hurt back but now I'm back at it and here is your 9 month roundup!
This month saw you learning how to both crawl and pull yourself up on things, so basically life as we knew it was over! You first pulled yourself up on your rocking chair and musical table but can basically now stand up against anything. Your favorite place to do it is of course on Mommy, or Nana and Papa so that we will pick you up.
This month you also tried to use a sippy cup but were really not a fan of it at all! You got frustrated and kept throwing it on the floor. Mommy has tried a few different kinds now but you are still just not really interested. We'll keep trying and you'll master it I'm sure.
Mommy's favorite thing you did this month was to start waving at us. It started with Nana at work one day when we stopped in to see her and now you wave at everyone when we are leaving somewhere. You don't usually do it with a smile on your face but once in awhile you'll break one out for someone. You are by no means an unhappy or miserable baby, you just aren't a big smiley guy. You are serious and make so many funny little faces that just crack me up.
This month saw your first time playing in the snow, as well as Valentines Day and your first Mommy/Baby swimming class. You love the pool, especially when you and James "jump" in the pool together. I think you will be a water baby just like your big brother is. You are not afraid of the water at all, in fact at our class you are most relaxed and chill baby there. You just lay back in Mommy's arms and you like floating on your back, while most babies do not like this at all.
The best part of Daddy's days at home this month was that you waited till he was home to start crawling. We thought for sure you would do it while he was away but you must have known how much that would mean to Daddy if he was home to see you do it. And you learned FAST, you went from very hesitant to cruising everywhere in just a matter of 2 days.
You also had your first trip to the ER this month when you somehow got a hold of a plastic piece from a DVD case and swallowed it. You did cough it up but we were worried that maybe there was another piece in there by how you were acting so Daddy took you in to get checked that night after supper. Of course everything was fine and now Mommy feels even more hyper vigilant whenever we are around any of James's smaller toys. And because you can move so fast now there is no safe place anymore, except for the playpen!!
You are still measuring off the charts for your weight and when we measured you at 8.5 months old you were a whopping 25 lbs and 13 oz, and 30" long. Which means you have gained almost 18 lbs since you were born! Whenever I tell people how big you are they ask me how big you were when you were born and when I mention you were a very average sized baby at exactly 8 lbs they get even more shocked to discover just how big you are now. I still get the remarks almost daily of "wow, he's a really big baby" and I just smile and nod and say "yup he sure is." I know it better than most just how heavy you really are!!
This month was so much fun and I feel like you are really starting to show your personality more. You are starting to get a bit more vocal but overall you are still very quiet and like to observe the world around you. I think you are a very smart little guy and even if some old lady did give me trouble when I was giggling with Melissa about your blank stare at strangers and she said that you were just "perfect the way he is" I tend to agree completely with her. You are absolutely perfect the way you are and just the cutest little thing I know!
Love you sweet Jordie Boy!