Friday, March 28, 2014

Jordan’s Monthly Photos with Harris

Happy 10 Months Jordie Boy!

10 months already and it feels like I just wrote up your 8-9 month summary....oh yeah, I was late on that one so I did just write it! Oh well, here's to 9-10 months!

This month saw you teething like crazy and finally getting your first two teeth! Your first was on the bottom right and was followed 2 weeks later by the bottom left. You are pretty easy teether and just really like to chew on things, even if you are a tad bit crankier than your normal easy going self.

Out of pure convenience to Mommy's incredibly sore back your next milestone was reached. James and I taught you how to crawl up the stairs to save my back from even more strain than it already gets from carrying your 26 lb body everywhere! Within just 1 week you were a total pro and now we have to watch you very carefully or you will rocket up those stairs so fast and are still so tippy and can't be trusted at all anywhere near them. We are an anti-safety-gate family so when I need a few minutes to get something done you are put either in playpen (aka baby jail) or given a snack in your high chair. You don't mind either but I swear if you could you would eat non-stop all day! You are most happy in the play pen when your brother is in the room with you, and love it even more when he puts his face up to the mesh and makes you giggle.

This month you have started to attempt to drink out of a cup but you just end up making a huge mess. We are slowly getting you to drink out of a sippy cup but you still definitely prefer your bottle over anything else. You have started to like to tip it upside down though and make a horrible mess so every time you tip it I instantly take it away from you which makes you cry. Then I transfer the formula to a sippy cup and you suffer through with it. I had hoped this would teach you to stop tipping it but apparently that is not the case quite yet!

This month you have enjoyed some fun activities like swimming with Mommy, James and our student Melissa, watching James play hockey at Nana & Papa's, and visits with the Slacks and Tassells,

This month saw us staying at Nana & Papa's house while they were away as well as when Mommy's back was hurt so bad that I couldn't take care of you and your brother without some help. We moved in with them and N&P took such great care of you while I was unable to. Those two sure love you and your brother a ton!

This month you have figured out how to clap (although I've only seen it once or twice) and how to give high fives when asked for one. We've been trying to get you to do SO BIG with your arms when asked how big Jordan is but you just look at us like we are crazy and either stare blankly at us or give us a huge smile as if to say "I know what you want me to do but I'd just prefer to sit here instead."

During Daddy's days off this month we made a quick trip over to Comox for you and James to have appointments with the ophthalmologist over there. We were concerned about your eyes as well as your brothers. In your case everything is okay and we've been told to have you rechecked at age 3. In James's case he ended up having to get glasses, which of course you just want to rip off his face every time he's anywhere near you!

On the day you turned 10 months your Daddy took you for your first hike in the backpack. Daddy took you and James, along with Sean, Maddie and Jaxon Tassell, up to the top of Valentine Mountain while Mommy enjoyed a few quiet hours at home by herself. It was absolutely wonderful and Daddy said you were such a good little guy, you even fell asleep on the way back down the mountain. After your hike you got to go to Putters for ice cream!

Overall it was a really great month in your world. Your growth has slowed down and although we didn't have you weighed at all this month we are pretty sure you are still right around the 26 lb mark. It is nice to see you starting to look like other babies your age again. Your birthday is just 2 short months away and with it will bring Mommy's return to work and a whole new world for you away from me and your big brother. I think you will do just great and will hopefully be just as social as your brother was and adjust to life with the sitter as well as he did.

We love you so very much Jordie Boy and look forward to what the next month will bring. I really hope it does not include walking yet, we are just not ready for that milestone.

He started out so little and with so little hair!