You may have noticed that I have been quiet both on here and on FB the past week or two and I'll tell you why. I have been in some serious increasingly painful back pain for over 2 weeks now. The pain first started in my lower back while Jim was away in February so when he came home I tried to rest the best I could so it could heal, but unfortunately within a few days of him leaving again the pain got bad, and continued to get worse day by day. Shooting pains through my lower back, down my butt and down to my knee, and sometimes all the way down to my foot. Textbook sciatic nerve pain and had me crying in pain on many occasions but still pushing through to take care of my boys. Thankfully I have the best parents in the world who offered to help me but I kept refusing the offer, until finally a few days ago I almost dropped Jordan when my leg when numb and tingly and I had to bend over to put him on the floor, so I phoned my Mom and said I was ready to move me and boys in for a few days.
A few days in now and with lots of help and me doing very very little, the pain is already much much better. I went to physio yesterday and he figures that I have a slight bulging disc that is pushing on my nerve which is causing the terrible pain. I have been stretching and icing the area, as well as taking anti-inflammatories for the past few days and can already feel a huge difference in how easily I can move again. I NEVER want to feel that kind of pain again in my life and I thank god so much again that I have incredible family support and people that love me and my boys and are willing to come to my rescue when I need them.
Planning on a quiet at home weekend at my parents place house sitting while they are away, and then head home on Monday when DADDY COMES HOME! It's been an absolutely awful rotation this time and not one I've enjoyed at all, but I'm happy to say I made it through, but certainly not without the help of my family. I am so incredibly lucky.