Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Finally it's time for the appointment we've been waiting for!

Back in November my sister said to me at Sunday dinner one week "do you ever notice how James's eye crosses?" I said that no I hadn't noticed and when I did try to look for it I couldn't see it. Just a few days later my mom mentioned to me that she had noticed too what Andra had been talking about but both of them just thought it was just a random thing that happened once in awhile. Even after my mom mentioned it I still wasn't able to really notice it.

It wasn't until we made an appointment with our regular doctor and she held up her finger in front of his eyes and his right one almost instantly turned right in towards his nose, almost completely cross eyed on the one side. Once I was standing right in front of him and looking closely for it I could immediately see what they had been talking about. Now of course because I know it's there I notice it ALL THE TIME and it's been a long almost 4 month wait to get in to see this doctor. Other things we've noticed that indicate that there could be a problem are: squinting and rubbing his eye, more pronounced crossing in when he's tired, standing close to the TV or having the iPad close to his face, some minor complaints about his eyes were hurting (yet couldn't explain how it hurts exactly). I realized these were warning signs when I actually went for Jordan's 6 month check up at the public health unit and they gave me an information sheet about eye care and all of those things I listed above were on that sheet. It said that if your baby or child exhibits more than 1 of those symptoms to have them checked out.

I am anxious, nervous and excited to finally find out what the doctor will say. We took him to this same doctor back when he was a baby because we had some concerns back then about how much his one eyelid closed compared to the other (funny enough that was the opposite eye than this one that is crossing). She is really nice and we are hoping that she will have some answers/solutions as to how to fix the problem. We are also having Jordan's eyes looked at while we are there as I'm concerned his eye may be doing the same thing already as sometimes when he is focusing on something I notice one of his eyes turning in as well.

We've talked to him a little bit about the eye doctor and what he might be able to expect but I am still nervous about how he will react and how the appointment will go. I'm also really anxious to find out what the prognosis/solution is. Glasses, an eye patch, surgery, therapy to correct the laziness? Who knows but whatever it is, I'm more than ready to find out how to fix it!

Below are a couple of pictures that show the eye issues that we're having him looked at for. If anyone reading this post has any experience with this kind of thing then send me a message on FB or comment through the blog at the bottom, would love to hear how it was dealt with for you or your child!

This one really shows the crossed/lazy eye we are concerned about

In this one you can really see how much he squints in that one eye. I think it's because it hurts him and makes it hard for him to see. He also prefers to sit close to the TV, or holds the iPad close to his face when not supervised.

It's really noticeable when he is focusing on something in front of his face, as he is below, clearly looking at the hockey stick.

This one shows the squint and the crossed eye.