Happy Sunday everyone!
Considering I've only been up for half an hour and all I've accomplished so far is drinking a cup of yummy tea made by my Jordie boy...all I can really thank my body for so far today is getting up and walking down the stairs!
On a daily basis my body does a lot for me and even though I have the aches and pains of getting older, and I live with a chronic disease (which thankfully is mostly in remission), I'm overall a pretty healthy person. I know I could lose a few pounds but at this point in my life I'm more concerned with just getting moving and getting more active than I've been in the past 10 years since having kids. I've always struggled to make the time for me and have lived a pretty sedentary life. But that's all changed in the last month and I'm committed to a new life.
I'm proud of my body (and mind) for allowing me to start practicing yoga. For years I've wanted to try it but was always afraid I wouldn't be able to do it. What I've learned is that it's all about my own practice and doing what I can do, and trying hard not to worry about what others around me in the class can do that I can't do....yet! I'm in it and ready for it to be a forever thing for me. Whether that's classes at Coast, or home practice from YouTube, I'm committed and devoted to it. I'd love to add in walking more and maybe eventually some sort of weight lifting classes too but for now I have to start with what feels manageable for where I'm at in my life, and for now this is it.
When I read this quote below the one thing I am most proud that my body has done for me is to create the lives of my three tiny humans. I' won't say I loved all parts of pregnancy but I was honored and blessed to be able to do it 3 times, with some bumps along the way, and a very scary complication the last time that made me fear for my life every day for the last 4 months of my pregnancy. I have always felt for those woman that couldn't have children and without a doubt if we had decided to stop at 2 kids, I would have pursued surrogacy in order to give someone the blessing of being a parent. It is truly the best and most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life and when I look back on my experiences and what I was able to accomplish I'm proud of myself for getting through 27 months of growing tiny humans!
As for today....today my body is going to be very busy! After I hit publish on this post I'm getting going for the day. First up is breakfast, strata office work, then house cleaning, then making family Sunday dinner! Oh and the piles of laundry I have to get through too! I'd love to sneak in a quick walk too but we'll see how that goes for me with the craziness that lies ahead :)