Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Girls weekend to the city!

Instead of birthday parties this year we've decided to do family trips instead. We're trying to spend money on memories instead of stuff and stress! The boys trip is coming up in March to see the Mini Pop Kids in Abbotsford, but a few weekends ago it was Kennedy's turn to take a trip with Mom and Auntie Ra to the city to see the Paw Patrol Live show! Ang and I have taken each of the kids to a show when they were toddlers so when I saw the tickets come available for PP, I knew I had to ask Auntie Ra if she wanted to join in!

Off we went first thing Saturday morning!

First stop off the ferry was OLD NAVY! 

She was so cute "ooohhh Mommy. this is buy for ME?"

Waiting for Auntie in Lululemon! 

Finally off to Ikea and excited for Smaland...only to see it full...and even on the tip toes just a bit too small! Unhappy little KJ girl for sure

So to make up for it we got $1 frozen yogurts

Happy girl playing her puzzles which me and Auntie shopped!

Full buggy and happy smiles

Tired girl at supper at Boston Pizza

Way over tired snuggles at the hotel at 9pm! 

The next morning we were off to the show at 9:30!

Cutest little Skye ever!

Loving her $30 (!!) light up wand...which died before the intermission so we returned it for a t-shirt and stickers instead!

Trying to show off her tail!

She was so excited to dress as Skye that day! 

A little selfie just before heading in to the arena

Found our seats and time for a few group selfies

Hard to get one where she's looking, not blurry, and not smiling weird! hahahahaha!


Such a pretty little girl waiting for the show. The late night the night before definitely caught up with her and she was tired and grumpy but still did really well.


She sat quietly through the whole show and was fascinated by the costumes! 

Big fake smiles with Auntie Wa (she can't quite say Ra yet) :) 

Walking back up to the the hotel to head home!

So tired but refusing to nap so gave her a cookie to stop the whining!

Sticker book time while waiting for the ferry

Finally on the last ferry and having some much needed down time with her puzzles!